Friday, March 26, 2010

Keep Your Emotions out of Company Reviews - Dumb Marketing Move

This week’s Dumb Marketing Move goes to Ocean Avenue Books!

In today’s world of social networking anything that is said about your business is forever on the web, good or bad. Unfortunately, Diane Goodman of Ocean Avenue Books found out the hard way by making a Dumb Marketing Move.

She took a criticism on to heart. [From Wikipedia - Yelp. is a Web 2.0 company that operates a social networking, user review, and local search web site. Over 25 million people access Yelp's website each month, putting it in the top 100 of U.S. Internet web sites] Especially as a small business owner your business is your heart and soul, and you only want people to say glowing things but that’s not the real world.

Goodman, sole owner and employee, read a harsh review of her store "This place is a TOTAL MESS," wrote somebody who went by the handle Sean C. "I think this place needs to close down for a few days and do a thorough cleaning and organization and get rid of all the crap!" and she decided to reply to the reviewer. Here is their Yelp Page. This is where it turns bad, she told the reviewer to say it to her face and many other words that a business owner should never say to a customer. It just escalated from there all the way to her getting booked for battery! This might be an extreme case, but this proves it happens. Read the full story at You’ve been Yelped!

Lesson Learned: Social Media puts your company in front of potential customers, and it’s a great tool when used correctly. If you feel the need to reply to a bad review, remove your emotions and reply as if they are in your store. Take it even further, apologize and address the problem. When someone complains, that means there might be a deeper problem and it SHOULD be addressed. It also shows your customers and potential customers that you are worthy of their business. But also remember, people are more likely to complain than to compliment!

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