Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Improving Customer Service Begins with Executives

Fewer and fewer companies TRULY empower their front line workers to do anything other than say the words "no" and "cannot". With that being said, the majority of companies only pay lip service to the realities of providing exceptional service, so they either provide average service, which is not noticed at all, or bad service, which is.

If I were the CEO of a company who was having challenges in terms of the service we provide to our clients, there would need to be the following pieces put in place in order to change things.

First of all, every employee should have the ability to solve customer problems. To make decisions and work with the client to come up with reasonable solutions that satisfy all parties concerned.

Second of all, there needs to be a company culture that leans towards problem solving and looking out for the interests of the client and not just the bottom line.

Thirdly, there needs to be open and honest communication throughout the company. Any employee that has a serious problem should be able to have it dealt with at an appropriate level within 24 hours to solve problems. As well, there cannot be a culture of white washing communication as it gets passed up the food chain, this is a major problem that leads to the "C" level being totally disassociated with front line people and problems.

"C" level execs should sit on customer service calls for an hour a month in order to better understand what is happening at ground level.

Lastly, there needs to be fluid communication from the top down in terms of culture, values, goals and direction of the company that are shared regularly. There also needs to be an incentive program in place to reward those who actively live the goals of the company.

Ben Baker, President
CMYK Solutions Inc.
Incentives that WORK!
twitter @cmyksolutions

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